Overcoming Jealousy

Jealousy is an emotion we have all experienced at one time or another, and as difficult as it can be to have, it is very natural. The issue we often have with it is not knowing how to use it, how to channel it to manifest our truest desires.

Below I have put together a list of ways to not only confront your feelings of jealousy, but to deal with it without the feelings of guilt.


1. Get Honest

Acknowledge what you’re feeling and use it to identify what you truly desire.

Do you actually want what they have? If so why? After having this talk with yourself you might find you don’t want what they have all, you just have the pressure to keep up with the Joneses.

2. Get Inspired

Use their success story as a sign to start or to keep going. If they can do it so can you!

The success of others is not usually down to whether or not they are special, it’s usually down to self-belief. It’s the reason why some talented people don’t make it and some mediocre people do…it’s called audacity. Get some!


Jealousy is a natural emotion but what you do with it determines whether it becomes positive or negative. Stop feeling so guilty, instead use it to better your life/self.


Seek advice from those you admire. They might help you!

Most people love to give advice on how to get what they have, especially in this day and age. Utilise this and apply it to areas you align with.


Do more of what you love or are good at. Recognise your own strengths and talents and use them to develop your confidence.

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